Monday, January 7, 2008

The Case of Cracked Feet

Winter is a beautiful season on its own. However, it does bring along beauty problems. As if dry skin and hair and sometimes watery noses weren’t enough, there is the problem of cracked feet. With winter, cracked feet are more common than in the summer. Such feet are very ugly to look at and can be very embarrassing to walk around with. Can you imagine yourself hiding your feet in socks and shoes everyday? Not only are cracked feet ugly and dirty to look at, they can also be rather painful. The constant rubbing of cracked feet against your own skin, bed sheets and towels also feels coarse. Even when you don’t see it, you’re still reminded of it. An needless nuisance, the best thing to do is to prevent it in the first place. With some prevention cares at home, this can be achieved.
The most important thing is to be kind to your feet. It is common human behavior to be a little less attentive to the feet as compared to the hands and face. So make it a mandatory habit to take care of your feet. Something like a religion in fact. Every night, before going to bed, clean your feet with warm water and soap. Keep it soft and moisturized with a rich lotion or cream and keep them clean and protected with a pair of socks. If you’ve developed cracked soles, do not walk around bare footed.
If you already have the case of the cracked feet, you might want to try these remedies at home.
In a basin of hot water dissolve a tablespoonful of baking soda and immerse your feet in it for at least 10 minutes.
You may also want to use a pumice stone to gently slough off the soles. Continue this treatment for 2-3 days.
Another suggestible remedy is to boil a cup of milk and then add some lemon juice and a teaspoonful of glycerin. After half an hour apply this mixture over the cracked heels and soles, preferably in the night. This not only soothes your cracked heels but also makes you feet smooth.
For not so severe cracks, you may try massaging the soles of your feet with sesame oil and then immerse the feet in warm water.

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